TLGs (tables, listings, and graphs - also known as TLFs/TFLs with F for figures) refer to the packages that take data, and convert then into a human intepretable insight.

There are two relevant stages of TLGs - static TLGs, which as of today are the only type of evidence submitted to regulatory bodies, and interactive TLGs, which are predominantly, but not limited to, shiny apps.

For tables, we recommend the effort from R Consortium - Tables in Clinical Trials with R - as a useful read to compare examples from several of the below packages.


rtables cran shield cran shield cran shield

A framework for declaring complex multi-level tabulations and then applying them to data

chevron cran shield cran shield cran shield

Holds TLG template standards to create standard outputs for clinical trials reporting with limited parameterisation.

pharmaRTF cran shield cran shield cran shield

Enhanced RTF wrapper written in R for use with existing R tables packages such as huxtable or GT

Tplyr cran shield cran shield cran shield

To simplify the data manipulation necessary to create clinical reports

gtsummary cran shield cran shield cran shield

Creates tables from either an Analysis Results Dataset (ARD) or a data frame with an ARD by-product

cards cran shield cran shield cran shield

Construct CDISC Analysis Results Dataset (ARD) objects

cardx cran shield cran shield cran shield

Extra Analysis Results Data (ARD) summary objects supplementary to {cards}

tfrmt cran shield cran shield cran shield

A language for defining display-related metadata to automate the transformation from an Analysis Results Dataset (ARD) to a table

tfrmtbuilder cran shield cran shield cran shield

A Shiny app interface for the {tfrmt} package

tidytlg cran shield cran shield cran shield

Generate table, listings, and graphs (TLG) using the Tidyverse


rlistings cran shield cran shield cran shield

A framework for creating data listings


ggsurvfit cran shield cran shield cran shield

Eases the creation of time-to-event (aka survival) summary figures

While ggplot2 is a lower level, non-pharma specific plotting package. It is universally accepted as the package for graphics, so included here and as a non-pharma package.


An implementation of the Grammar of Graphics in R, and the most popular plotting package for static plots in R.


tidyCDISC cran shield cran shield cran shield

A shiny app to easily create custom tables and figures from ADaM-ish data sets

rhino cran shield cran shield cran shield

Supports creating and extending enterprise Shiny applications using best practices


The following frameworks allow for the engine used to generate the output to be modified. For example, they could be used with ggplot2, rtables, plotly, or Tplyr.


Slide Automation for Tables, Listings and Figures

tern cran shield cran shield cran shield

Layers analytics from descriptive summaries to more complex statistics on top of the foundational table layouts, analytic and content controls

teal cran shield cran shield cran shield

Framework developed that leverages the R Shiny package to scale development of our shiny apps

Tables, Listings, and Graphs Catalogs with many examples are available here:

There are publicly available example Shiny applications created using these:

Upcoming packages for consideration

The following is being worked up towards CRAN submission to be considered for later inclusion into the pharmaverse - we felt important to share here in case others are working in a similar space and would be interested to collaborate with the respective developers.

cardinal cran shield cran shield

Implementation of table-generating functions to implement standard FDA Safety Tables according to the guidelines.